Swarovski | Wattens | Austria alphamesh 12.0 stainless steel

The alphamesh curtain is composed of more than 26 million individual welded rings and encloses the premises like a work of art. With a height of 10m, the curtain meanders along
a total length of 250m. Apparently cloaking yet open like a transparent door at the same time. What lies behind the curtain can only be guessed at and never unveiled. As soon as it becomes dark, the curtain changes into a 2,500m² stage on which continuously changing coloured lights are displayed.

Project: Swarovski, Wattens | Country: Austria | Architect / Design: D e signstudio Regina Dahmen-Ingenhoven, Düsseldorf
Material: alphamesh – 12.0 stainless steel polished | Quantity: approx. 2.500 m² | Photocredits: Daniel Swarovski, Wattens

alphamesh 12.0 – stainless steel:
